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Featured Reads
For our customers: Product roadmap sneak peek
Restaurant Payroll 101
Learn how to tackle the hardest aspects of paying restaurant workers from taxes and tip reporting to labor law compliance.
worker RECORDS

Your worker data, simplified

Easily keep track of your team members in one centralized place.

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worker records

Save time and effort with digital records

Gone are the days of the filing cabinet. Securely access any information or document you need from your worker's file—all online.
secure encryption icon

Secure, encrypted storage

Your worker data is safe with our industry-leading security practices.

user-based access icon

User-based access

Restrict sensitive information to only the users who need it.

import and export icon

Import and export

Add to anyone's profile for up-to-date recordkeeping or export their file as needed.

tracking employment status icon

Track and change employment status

Onboard and offboard easily, and provide context for future reference.

accuracy icon

Ensure data accuracy

Reduce manual double entry by automatically sending employment data to your other platforms.

real-time access anytime icon

Real-time access, anytime

Change information whenever you need to, with real-time updates.

Explore Workstream
doc and signature management

Document and Signature Management

Digitally collect paperwork and signatures.

integrations with workstream


Plug your favorite tools into Workstream.

user security in workstream

Platform Security

Easily secure your data and set up user access.

Be smart with your hourly workforce

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